Hi, I’m Claire.

My mission at Clarity Coaching is to help you…

  • Discover your true identity

  • Connect to your deepest desire and purpose

  • Live the life of your dreams

I know, these phrases sound too good to be true. I used to think they were, too! 

Of COURSE I wanted to be able to live the life of my dreams. Even when I was young, I knew slaving away at a 9-to-5 job making money for someone else was the last thing I wanted to do with my life. Deep down, I knew I wanted to build a business of my own and use my time to help others. But up until a few years ago, I spent my entire life living based on other people’s expectations of me. In other words, NOT on my own terms. And I hadn’t even realized it! So every time I asked myself those looming questions…

What do I want out of life?

What is my purpose?

What are my true passions? 

What does the life of my dreams even look like?

…I kept coming up completely, devastatingly blank. How could it be that someone like me – a fiercely independent, high-achieving perfectionist in relentless pursuit of her goals (not to mention one who always hated the idea of corporate life) – be hurtling towards the exact fate I had been trying to avoid my whole life?

My family and friends always admired my work ethic and achievements, but the more accomplished I became in both my academic and professional careers, the emptier my life seemed. No one had showed me a way to blaze my own path, and I didn’t have the resources or knowledge to do it. (Yet!)

I was always looking for a way out but everywhere I looked, the signs all just pointed in the same direction. In a society that idolizes the grind, status, and high-stress productivity, moving in that same direction seemed like the only option.

So, I did what I thought were all the right things.

I graduated at the top of all my classes. I double majored in pre-medicine and finance, landed a sought-after internship, and an offer letter for a position on a trading desk straight out of college. I also fell in love with real estate and bought my first rental property at the age of 23. I had everything I “should” have wanted and yet - I wasn’t happy. At first, I thought there was something wrong with me. No matter what I achieved or how I spent my time, I always felt like I was still NEVER DOING ENOUGH. So what did I do? Pushed myself farther and harder down these societally predetermined paths. I got the promotions and raises I set out to achieve at work. I got my real estate license and started working on the side as a real estate agent to make more money. I spent EVERY. WAKING. MINUTE. LEARNING. Listening to podcasts obsessively while brushing my teeth, reading self-development books at light speed on my commute, filling each moment with something that would be considered productive. Because I was convinced that doing more would make me feel better.

Ultimately, I made myself so busy and overwhelmed that I burned myself out.

Complete burnout seemed to be the only way I could justify giving myself any rest whatsoever. On the outside, it seemed like I was living the high-performance, high-achieving life that we are taught to glorify. It took filling up my time all day every day and STILL not being happy to finally make me stop and look around. Because no matter what new “productive” habit I added into my routine, it never made me happier. Eventually, the disconnect between the life I was living and how it made me feel became too large to ignore. I finally reached all my goals and it left me feeling empty and exhausted. It was then that I realized these dreams, achievements, and habits were not truly mine. I had blindly fallen into the very trap that I thought I had been so careful to avoid.

Now I had to face the truth: I didn’t really know what I wanted. Not only that, I had absolutely NO IDEA how to find out what my true calling was.

But I was desperate to turn my life around, so I started with what I knew and self-reflected from there. My days were completely full of supposedly “productive” tasks and projects, yet I was completely unfulfilled. Why? I found myself stuck in the very traps I would have done anything to avoid as a child. I had to face the life I had created full of toxic stress, productivity addiction, and ultimately adrenal fatigue and chronic burnout. I knew I had to get myself out. Which is when I had to start asking: HOW? 

Which led me to my first step to freedom: quitting my job.

I was terrified, but I knew there was no going back. I could stay in this toxic cycle of productivity addiction and exhaustion, or I could face the unknown head-on. And when I finally quit my toxic job, I was shocked at how long it took me to actually slow down, tune into my intuition, and start finding the answers I had been searching for all along.

Fast-forward a few years and (what seemed like) a lifetime’s worth of self-work later, I can genuinely say that I have never been happier, more hopeful, or more fulfilled.

Let’s be real - this journey was NOT an easy one. It was slow-going, frustrating, terrifying, and full of excruciating self-doubt. But for once in my life, I at least had one purpose I kept coming back to — and that was finding out what it really meant to build the life of my dreams and find my passions. 

If there’s one thing you should know about me, it’s that I have an insatiable hunger for knowledge.

I am incredibly curious and always need to be learning. It’s just who I am. So as I entered the first period of self-transformation in my life, I of course had to throw myself completely in the deep end. I read countless self-help books and articles, listened to hours of podcasts, and have extensive experience studying human behavior and psychology. What happened next was interesting. Even on my path to healing this productivity wound (among many others), I felt lost. I looked to so many different communities meant to “change my life,” and ended up confusing the noise of what I “should aspire to be” with the person I actually was.

So what was the ultimate problem? I kept looking for the answers OUTSIDE MYSELF. No pre-packaged program could give me what I really needed all along: a space in which to get in touch with myself, exactly as I was. That’s when I started catching on - I had to trust myself more than ever before. And the craziest part? It was HARD. From a young age, we are taught to behave in certain “acceptable” ways and do “acceptable” things as a protocol to living our lives. These patterns are so deeply ingrained in our minds and bodies that even if we DO realize we’re not happy and start looking inside ourselves for answers, we can’t possibly know what our authentic self is trying to tell us underneath those built up years of conditioning and repression. This leads to frustration, exhaustion, confusion, and ultimately, giving up.

Which is why so many people FAIL to get to know their true selves, discover their true passions, and ultimately fail to achieve the life of their dreams!

I am here to bridge that gap of the unknown.

Think of me as your personal trust fall coach.

I carved my own path to finding out who I was, and fell in love with both the process and the results. If I can do it, I am 100% certain you can, too. I want to be for my clients what I didn’t have at that time — a beacon of compassion, unconditional support, and authentic guidance. A hand to hold as I decided to take a huge leap of faith and let go of my life and identity as I knew them.

I am so passionate about this area of coaching because I have LIVED it, and I have completely fallen in love with both the journey and the results. I have learned and continue to discover how to create the ideal environment for growth and transformation beyond my wildest dreams. I want to help you do the same in your life!

Is it the scariest leap you’ll ever take? Probably.

But is it better than staying stuck living a life that isn’t truly YOURS? Absolutely.

We’ve got this.

Your coach and teammate,
